May 30, 2022
He's not the man they think he is at home, oh no no no! That's right, this week we're discussing the 1997 movie Rocketman starring Harland Williams and definitely not Taron Egerton. Amanda explains why space travel is not on her to-do list, Wade talks aobut the time he called in to a radio show on Harland Williams' behalf, and the two have a blast imagining the sequel and performing a scene from it. Not that they don't every week, of course. Take your protein pill and listen in!
Don’t Worry B Movies
Logo – John Capezzuto
Intro and Outro Music – Andrew Wolfe of Darling Overdrive
Additional Music:
"Upbeat Funk Pop" by
"Encore - Tender" by
"UFO Traveler" by Polkavant